Blaming cholesterol for cardiovascular disease is like blaming fire fighters at the scene of a fire.

Rishi Dhingra
2 min readAug 31, 2020

People demonise fat consumption as the cause of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and high cholesterol. Cholesterol is critical for the body. It’s involved in the production of cell structure, vit D and all five major classes of steroid hormones: progestogens, estrogens, glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids, and androgens (incl. testosterone). Hormones are signaling molecules that regulate most organismal functions.

The body produces cholesterol regardless of it’s dietary intake. Why would your body do that if cholesterol were bad for you? 🙄

Cholesterol is transported from the blood to liver (by HDL, for recycling) and liver to blood (by LDL, for use) via fatty protein shells called Lipoproteins. These carriers come in a high- and low-density forms called HDL, and LDL, respectively.

The rise of Atherosclerosis (arterial plaque)

Ultra-processed, packaged calorie-dense foods act like stressors on the body. They cause an auto-immune response resulting in systemic inflammation, causing plaque accumulation in the artery, and constricting it over time. The body’s healthy response to this is to send cholesterol and resolve the issue of mitigating stressors & reversing hardening arteries.

Imagine HDL and LDL as self-driving cars, with cholesterol as it’s passenger

While delivering cholesterol from the liver to cells via arteries, LDL builds up due to existing plaque, worsening the blockage, and thus demonised as “bad cholesterol.” LDL is neither bad, nor cholesterol.

Let food be thy medicine

Healthy fats are not the problem. Combining high fats (from bad sources) with processed carbs is the problem. A balanced wholefoods diet with healthy fats (rich in Omega 3’s) is the solution. Without (chronic systemic) inflammation there would be no CVD (or any other chronic disease).



Rishi Dhingra

holistic nutritionist : biohacker : tennis player : ironman triathlete : anti-aging & longevity geek : crossfit — IG: @rishirajdhingra URL: